Wednesday, March 23, 2011

describe whch print you were most satisfied with:
The print i was most satisfied with was the 12 out of 12(my last print)

explain why:
i chose the 12 out of 12 print because i liked how the ink set on the print,and i liked how it was evenly set.

What was the most difficult part of the assignment?:
the most difficult part of this assignment was the carving.I was afraid that I would carve too much or too little.I had to work slow and be specific.

Describe what is strong about your design.Why is it a good design?
The strongest part about me design would be the swan in general.It stand out, and the colors compliment the swan.I think it it a good design because of the placement. I specifically chose the middle of the tile so it would be easier to look at.

Describe how you used the elements and principles of design in your prints:
I used the colors black and orange so the focal point is on the white swan.Itryed to carve 70% of the bird and clouds so i can reach the requirements of what was asked

If you could change on thing about you artwork,what would it be and why?
If i could change one thing about me artwork it would be the sky.I would of made more clouds to indicate more negative space,therefore having more or at least 70% carved out.

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