Tuesday, June 12, 2012


The first video is a white background setup. This setup consists of the key light and the fill light which are directed towards the back of the subject and to only light the back. both lights are on full power as another light acts as the fill light directed towards the subject. In most cases it is good to use a reflector to eliminate any "under chin" shadows although we didn't need too.

The second video is the Black background setup. This setup consists of the fill light the key light and the hair light. In this case we used a mirror to be used as the hair light instead. The key light is positioned around 45 degrees and about 1 meter away set on full power on the subject causing a harsh light on the side of the subjects face. The fill light helps even out the brightness. Although the fill light is only set to half the power as of the key light. The hair light or in this case the mirror is used to illuminate the subject so their body does not fade into the background.

The third video is the film Noir setup. The key light is positioned right in front of the subject and it will light them and it is on half power. The brightest light is positioned towards the black background and it is called the fill light. The third light is the highlight or in this case the mirror. this is directed a little further behind the subject and angled towards the camera on the lowest setting.

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